Sunday, August 19, 2007

Nicole Kidman Denies "Invasion" Is Anti-Catholic Film

Actress Nicole Kidman spoke about her catholic faith like her new film threatens to become muddled in the religious polemic.

Nicole Kidman, who is Australia stripping in the interior with Baz Luhrmann, said that a magazine of the USA its catholic faith has affected its consideration of the manuscript for another project, the gold compass.

The scenario for film of imagination, based on the book (initially published as Scandinavian lights) by Philip Pullman, draws already the attention in the USA to avoid most of rhetoric anti-Catholic perceived of the book.

Nicole Kidman known as some of the religious elements were removed manuscript of film. “It was sprinkled in bottom of,” it said the weekly magazine of entertainment.

“I catholic was raised, the Catholic Church belongs to my gasoline,” Kidman known as.

“I could not make this film if I thought that it were with any anti-Catholic. ”

In book of Pullman, it describes an organization which seizes children to remove their hearts surgically, in a reference largely considered as a discussed description of the Catholic Church.

In the film manuscript, the organization indicated only under the name of one known fictitious place under the name of “Magisterium”.

The gold compass, which will be the first film in a trilogy of imagination holding the first Nicole Kidman role, is not due for the release to the USA until December 7, but for it already the concern encourages among groups of relative.

“Ecclesiastical that removes children. Witches who are not bad. Even a pair of angels sexually ambiguous. If you think Harry Potter were blasphemous, makes an attempt until you obtained a glance [with the trilogy of this],” wrote with a film critic last week.