The Invasion movie, released on August 17 in the United States, is a film based on a scenario by Dave Kajganich. The film differs 1956 from film, invasion of the Snatchers body while the foreign threat takes the form of a virus in this film, while in film preceding in fact became seed thimbles increase reproductions of the human bodies. The film holds the first role Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig and was directed by James McTeigue.
The film follows the history of a space shuttle, which breaks mysteriously on ground, and an extraterrestrial disease starts to spread, infecting the human one that it contacts. The sets of Nicole Kidman sing Bennell, a psychiatrist of Washington D.C. which, with his/her colleague Ben Driscoll (Daniel Craig), discovers that the transformation caused by the infection is started by the sleep of REM, taking with the victims humanity. The virus draws aside and leaves less people to confidence. To sing, which fights to remain waked up, of the tests to find his/her son who can spout out taken the answer to stop the invasion.
This film has been not received very well by criticisms, but we want to know what you think. Did you see the invasion? Did you appreciate it?